Consignments with Gorny & Mosch

If you wish to sell individual items or your collection of coins or antique art objects by auction, you've come to the right place. We can guarantee that your items will be professionally processed and published in high quality in our catalogues. We have one of the best customer files that there is worldwide. This precondition allows us to guarantee that your items will sell well.

Collection of consignments

Upon request your consignment can be collected from your home. From a consignment total of EUR 5,000 we pay the costs. From EUR 50,000 we will personally collect your consignment at an agreed location in certain circumstances after prior agreement. Upon consultation, the shipping of your goods could be covered by our insurance. Just give as a call.

Transparency for your consignment

You will always be kept fully up-to-date about your items held at our company: Three weeks before the auction you will receive a list of the coins or art objects included in the auction and their estimated prices.

Your advantages

  • Professional processing of your coins and art objects
  • High-quality publication of your art objects and coins
  • No fees for unsold items
  • Payment to consignors 54 days after the auction
  • Better selling opportunities due to our international clientele

Please note that proof must be furnished of the origin of your items for successful consignment (provenance).