Selling Ancient Art at Gorny & Mosch

Do you wish to sell individual items or your collection of antique art by auction? Then call our experts - you can send in your art objects as consignments at any time. Gorny & Mosch can guarantee that your art objects will be professionally handled and published in high quality in its catalogues that reach a large international customer base.

Guarantee for a good sale

This allows us to promise that your items will sell well. Upon request your consignment can be collected from your home. From a consignment total of EUR 5,000 we pay the costs. From EUR 50,000 we will personally collect your consignment at an agreed location in certain circumstances after prior agreement. The items you wish to auction are, of course, insured through us.

Your advantages

  • Consignments possible at any time
  • Professional processing
  • High-quality publication of your art objects
  • Good selling opportunities due to our international clientele
  • Collection from your home
  • Auction items insured through Gorny & Mosch